Thursday, June 22, 2023

Plot Twists

 Hey there family.  Wanted to give you an update.  I spent from 5/12-5/16 inpatient in a mental health hospital, severely manic coping with my bipolar disorder.  The good news is that I find ally have medication to help me manage the ups and downs.  It’s a gift.  

But being labeled a bipolar is hard.  Lots of judgment.  I’ve lost GOOD friends who should have been there to support me.  And can’t or wouldn’t do that.  The way I have done for them.  I don’t care how long I’ve known you.  Even if it’s 30 or 42 years you’ve gotta go.  They’re out of my life and won’t ever be back in.  Because if I forgive them, it tells them that it’s ok to treat me the way they have.  And it’s not.  Not ever.  I won’t cast my pearls before swine.  

And the guy who rescued me from Tahoe has left the picture cuz he’s gotta focus on his kids and the divorce comes to a conclusion.  I told him his dedication to his children was the most attractive thing about him.  I am disappointed but grateful.  

I started volunteering for a healthcare advocacy organization that is so liberal it makes Che Guevara look like a Maga.  And they need my help. So I get to be of service with my talents.  I love being there.  

Thru that group I met a kid, he’s 24.  I joked I was old enough to be his mom.  He said he wished he’d had a mom like me.  I discovered his mom had died of a drug overdose 2 years ago.  I offered to be an older woman to support, encourage and kick his butt if necessary.  He happily accepted.  We talk every day.  At the end of the conversation he says, “love you mom”.  MY HEART IS FULL!  

Because I’ve missed my chance to have biological kids.  That ship has sailed.  And I’ve been involved in the raising of my godsons.  They’re good men.  I’d like to think I had a tiny bit to do with that.

But here’s a kid who needs love and support and I have it to give.  Why wouldn’t I take the leap.  Every time I’ve taken a leap of faith since December 23,2022; I’ve been so richly rewarded.  This has been no different.  He’s my kid, and I’m his mom.  For life.  

But it gets better.  He’s new in recovery.  I’m so excited for him.  Cuz the life that I love is all because of recovery.  I can be there for him because of recovery.  And I will be.  Every step of the way, one day at a time.  Thanks you God! 

When you go to an all girls high school there is a phase of endless bridal and baby showers.  It was no different for me.  I’m gonna hold a shower cuz surprise! “ITS A BOY!”  I’m just kidding.  

But if you say prayers in the moment, drop one for Ryan, my son.  He’s absolutely hands down, the best kid I know. I’m so lucky to be his mom.  

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The ALL PURPOSE, total free, and easy to execute, 45 day trauma diet!

 I think it’s safe to say, that by ANY OBJECTIVE STANDARD… the period from 3/16/23-5/4/23 sucked for me… and it sucked hard…. Like Dyson vacuum sucking up a bowling ball informercial hard.  Because my OA sponsor told me to NEVER GET COCKY IN MY RECOVERY… Cuz while Mike and I are basking in his ethereal glow… Guido is right behind me… doing push-ups, wearing brass knuckles.. in the rain.  And boy oh boy was she right.  

I ask Mike for help with my “tiny” food addiction, and his only response was, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask for help!  Cuz I’m a gentleman and never barge into a lady’s life unless invited.”

And the moment I invited him in to be part of the solution, He has delivered 100%, a life COMPLETELY BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS!  Hands down!  Not for any other reason than I asked for help when I genuinely knew my slowly shrinking ass was kicked.  And I’m not ashamed today to admit my foe was Taco Bell.  This crafty Mo Fo.. knew just how to sweet talk me into giving up EVERY SHRED OF DIGNITY I POSSESSED.  I naively thought at the time, that it was the “easier softer way”. That’s another lie Guido told me.  That staying safe is better than taking the big LEAP OF FAITH.  

But because Mike helped me out with “The TacoBell problem” as I sweetly now call it,  I knew he was up to any challenge I threw at him.  And he has absolutely performed beyond my wildest dreams.  I have a life I truly LOVE.  I can match calamity with serenity.  And have I had to since 3/16/23 when Guido started his campaign to get me off my game. 

It all started when I temporarily lost my best friend of 34 years because I believed a lie someone told me about something she’d allegedly said about me.  I closed myself off to her because the lie said that she didn’t believe recovery was good for me.  And Mike and I were so tight, I’d walk away from ANYONE, including my BFF, sticker-sister, ride or die if I believed they were a threat to the miracle I’d been given.  I’m embarrassed I believed her.  But it was an honest mistake born out of my burgeoning self-respect courtesy of Mike.  I can’t go back.. only forward.  We’re back to our old hilarity and everything is gonna be aight.  

The 4/2/23 I got the car of my literal dreams dropped in my lap.  It cost me $0 to get it off the lot day I got it.  A miracle by any definition, any way you slice it.  And rather than celebrate the miracle with me as I hoped, my brother, 18mos older than me, and desperately unhappy, chose to try and pop my balloon of joy.  He could not stand to see me shine, so he tried to knock me down.  But just like the Ali Frazier fight…”DOWN GOES FRAZIER!” But with Mike in my corner, I quickly rose, battered but unbroken, to live to kick ass another day.

Then we get to 4/20/23.  When she who shall not be named, made the most selfish choice possible.  She attempted to take her own life.  She suffered a massive heart attack due to an intentional overdose of medication.  And I found the body.  In all of my life, I will get past that, but I will never get over that.  Am experience like that changes you forever.  And I have been so changed.  

So I gave her notice while she was in the hospital… that while I wasn’t angry, she could not stay here.  She and her tightly wound, mistreated, sweet Australian shepherd, had to leave my house.  She had 30 days, from 4/20 to get her stuff and leave.  That is what the law requires.  That is what I gave her.  I will work thru my resentment that she, as a temporary interloper in my house had more rights than I did.  I know with Mike’s help I’ll get there. 

But don’t think I didn’t want justice.  I wanted her out asap with the fire of a 1000 burning suns.  I seriously considered attempting to get a TRO.  But that would require $435 of my money, and effort I didn’t feel she deserved.  I decided to get the hell out of Dodge.  As a Hilton fan, I chose the Hilton Grand Resort South Lake Tahoe.  A mistake that literally almost cost me my life.  

Because on 5/2/23, as I prepared to welcome the man I TRULY HOPE TO MARRY ONE DAY… up to the resort for our first in person date, I was treated with such cruelty, it literally broke my soul… but only temporarily. Cuz Mike loves me so much, I don’t have to worry about the journey, cuz he’s already shown me the destination.  And the view from here is “chefs 💋” perfect.

I won’t bore you with the details.  But suffice to say, Itruly believe that Hilton is criminally culpable for the negligence of hiring a woman who was so cruel to me, it lead to a panic attack in Tahoe, and then two hospitalizations, one of which was a 5150 hold due to being severely homicidal.  THAT IS NOT ME!  I scared everyone in my tribe with the words I was using.  Words like, “I wanna die!”  I didn’t want to die, I just wanted all the fucking pain to stop.  But the hits just kept coming.  

Because on 4/30 I drove my perfect car to Sparks, I crossed off my bucket list driving a car over 100mph.  I arrived safely at my brothers wonderfully welcoming church.  And in a simple sanctuary, I formally gave my heart to Mike.  And just like my sponsor foretold, Guido was waiting in the wings to strike.  And let me tell you friends, HE CAME FOR ME HARD!

5/1/23 my tenant told me she did infact blame me for her attempt on her life because get this, I didn’t clean the bathroom? I’m sorry?!??!? WTF?!?!?!?! Who says that to someone.  Apparently a malignant narcissistic sociopath.  And there she was.  And my heart was already so traumatized by what she already had put me thru, there was the tiniest crack in it, and those words got in… and the saga had started. 

5/2/23 happened, when I was made to drag my wheelchair and suitcase for 90 minutes by myself, including 30 minutes outside in 31 degree weather while it snowed! I could t even get to a hospital that on google said it was .4 miles away.  It was that bad.  I called 911 with no shame.  And got the help I needed.  So at 440am, in the middle of at that point, the biggest panic attack if ever had, I reached out to the guy who was coming up that day.. and I say, “Adam I’m in crisis and I need you”.  And he’s such a quality gentleman he left his important job without one seconds thought and drove to Tahoe to literally rescue me.  He put me in his car, got me a banana and a latte and we fled Tahoe.  He knew he had to get me to safety and that was anywhere but South Lake Tahoe. So off we drove.  

And this gentleman held me hand.. the entire drive.  And encouraged me to hang on.  And when I got home and got into my bathroom, he left to go run and errand he could t not reschedule.  And once alone I broke.  Completely.  I’m not ashamed of it.  I wasn’t the cause of my breakdown. A bunch of peoples careless indifference to my feelings started this whole mishigoss.  And by the time the paramedics showed up, I was screaming at the woman on the phone that that had to get there… I wanted to die! And in that moment it was 💯 true.  I took my third ambulance ride since 4/21 to get to Sutter Roseville Medical Center to literally save the life i’d to recently love.  Deeply.  And I was able to tell the social worker that interviewed me, that I didn’t want to die, I just wanted the pain to stop.  And I’d to ANYTHING that was asked of me to insure that the thoughts I was having were never an option in my mind ever again.  And the HERO of my dark night of the soul, showed up at that ER, and held my hand for 4 hours, so I felt safe.  He told the social worker he’d stay with me, to insure I’d be safe for the night.  So I got to go home.  But I was going back to a home that I didn’t feel was safe, because of the supremely selfish act of my former tenant.  He encouraged me to take back my home.  I love this house.  I’m making it my own.  And it’s gonna be warm, welcoming, inviting and fun.  So he put me in his white chariot (A white Genesis Electric SUV- you say Batmobile?) And he bought me sushi, the only thing that sounded remotely appealing.  And we got home.  He forced me to eat at least something and held me until we both passed out from exhaustion.  We were both DONE!.  We slept like stones for 12 soldi hours.  Without moving.  Our bodies both hurt.  For sleeping so hard, so long, in one position.  But like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of Chernobyl, we awoke the next morning.  So grateful to be alive and together, and starting the journey we’re now both on. 

And this PRINCE, no dare I say STUD, quietly cleaned my bedroom, started my laundry and cleaned my kitchen.  I MEAN COME ON!!!! Who does that for a chick he’s known for less than 2 weeks that he swiped right on, on Tinder?!?!?!?! No sane man I know.  And he’ll play it down saying he’d do it for any of his friends, and I 💯 believe that about him.  He’s that good of a man.  And the fact that he likes my face, and fancies my body, and likes my brain, wit and sense of humor, JUST BLOWS ME AWAY! I’ve said to him as many times as I can, “I know you said you’d do that for any of your friends, but you did it FOR ME.  and for the rest of the time Mike gives me, I’ll be thanking you for that however I can.  As much as I can for as long as I can.  

5/4 I woke up HOMICIDALLY ANGRY at what had been done to me.  But now I was saying things like should I see my former tenant, I’d choke her to death and not give it one second thought. NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE.  So I reached out for help, and the ambulance was back.  But now I’m in SRMC, on a  5150 hold for my protection and the protection of others. 

So once at the hospital I got to be so grateful for what it COULD BE, and where I was my self. I met a 14 year old girl whose soulwas BROKEN with schizophrenia, because her SOB step father sexually trafficked her.  Trust me when I say I believe in Gods justice and know he’ll answer for his actions.  But he went right to the top of “I’d kill him if I could” list. The miracle was she wanted the help she was gonna get.  She’s a smart, strong, resilient young woman.  And in a line from one of my favorite movies, The Guardian, as Kevin Costner character says, “I have high hopes for you!”  Good luck Camille!  Gods got you! You’re his child and will triumph over all that was done to you!  Lean into his love and his power.  If I can do it so can you!!! WE R NO DIFFERENT!

Then there were the addicts of all types who weren’t ready to put down their drug of choice.  I so relate, because for the 20 years of my relapse, I WAS THEM!  I knew the solution was available, but couldn’t humble myself to honestly as God for help.  Once I was able to do that, the ABSOLUTE MIRACLE of my life unfolded with a speed that still overwhelms me.  In December I was a bottom level addict who FINALLY conceded defeat.  By April I had a home I was creating, a job that would let me be of service and financially prosperous, and the perfect car to take me there.  When God asked, “How good can you stand it?”  I had NO IDEA what he meant.  I’m so glad I surrendered to find out. 

But another huge miracle happened while I was on the 5150 hold.  The beds have scales on them.  And just for shits and giggles, I pressed the button.  And I swear to Mike the number was so crazy I was speechless.  And y’all know me.  It’s a big deal if I shit up!  LOL!!!!

It says 327lbs.  I needed to get to 235 to be able to start replacing my joints.  Suddenly, thanks to “THE TRAUMA DIET” I’m under 100lbs away from starting that process.  And because of ALL the miracles Mike has delivered, I have ABSOLUTE FAITH, that I will get there.  As the BB tells us, “We relax and don’t struggle”. So I started to relax.  Because in 2000, when I started coming to OA, I know I had to weigh 450+lbs.  so to be within 100lbs of being able to begin the journey to orthopedic wholeness… IS A GD MIRACLE ANY WAY YOU FRIGGIN SLICE IT! 


That God thinks I’m deserving of the “PERFECT” life I have today still moves me to tears.  Cuz I’m case you haven’t gotten the memo, I’m a tiny bit of a live wire right now.  I have been tested by Guido and his assassins.  I’m on the other side, while and complete.  And I swear I will not waste one second of this gift I’ve got.  Not one. 

Cuz there’s a lot of laughing, smooching, consensual naked aerobics, and life to be lived.  I LOVE MY LIFE.  I will love it in joy and gratitude ODAAT.  Cuz I almost lost it all.  I was ready to apply a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  That can’t be an option ever again.  And it won’t. You have my word. 

I started listening to Beyoncé’s Homecoming Live Album thru this whole crazy journey.  She is a QUEEN.  And her message to women projects her strength.  One of her favorite lyrics for me is, “IMMA KEEP RUNNING.  Cuz a winner don’t quit on herself.”

And because I’m Mike’s kid.  I KNOW I’m a winner.  Not better or worse than anyone. As my recovery bro Alex says, “We’re all just Bozos on the bus, and God is the driver.” AMEN! 

So I’m gonna relax and enjoy the view on this ride.  It was perfect but now includes a shotgun companion who frankly has NOT RIGHT to look as good as he does in his work uniform.  He applies his exquisite mind to his job every day with humor and verve.  And the fact that he makes me laugh so much, is PROOF of Mike’s goodness to me.  As I said in a previous post, all I had to do was give up some tacos.  

And now, life is TRULY PERFECT. 

I won’t waste ONE SECOND giving power to people who don’t come from a position of ❤️. 

Don’t waste the gift you’ve been given either.  It can all so easily vanish.  

I’ll leave you now in gratitude.  I’ve gotta a beautiful life to live today. 

I’m gonna get to it! Be well my tribe.  I’ll see you on the path.  Love


Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Starts RIGHT NOW!

 All I had to do was give up tacos.  That's it.  And it was impossible for SO LONG.  But because I'm an addict, and therefore have an allergy of the body that says I am addicted to certain types of foods, and an obsessive mind that will ALWAYS tell me, "This time there won't be a bullet in the chamber, so go ahead."  I also know that being an addict is like dancing with a gorilla, you may start the dancing leading, but eventually the gorilla will take the lead.  And when that happens, you're going on a trip, whether you want to or not.  

So I surrendered to Mike and gave over the Tacos on 12/23/22.  And because I did that, he has facilitated the following: 

1) ENTIRE ABSTINENCE ODAAT by HIS grace, since 12/23/22

2) A path to financial solvency in the NEAR future

3) Being able to take the absolute CAR OF MY DREAMS off the lot for. not one cent out of pocket on 4/2/23

4) A pathway to a career that will allow me to be financially prosperous AND be of service at the same time that can begin ANY TIME.  

5) Being able to create the warm, gracious and welcoming home OF MY DREAMS from the chaotic home of my childhood that reflects MY STYLE

6) A life truly beyond my wildest dreams, and I'm just on Step 4. 

If this is how good Mike thinks I deserve it, I guess I just have no other choice but to stay on this wild right that is my crazy amazing grateful life.  

I'm so glad I gave up the tacos. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Finishing What You Start

 Active addiction doesn't exactly bring out the best in people.  A common refrain I've heard amongst 12 Steppers, "As an addict I can violate my own standards faster than I can lower them."  I've also heard that dabbling in your drug of choice is like dancing with a gorilla.  Eventually the gorilla will take over and you'll have no say in the matter.  That can be a scary prospect.  

One of the chief ways my addict behavior would show is that I became a blue ribbon quitter.  I took apathy and stretched it until it fit into the textbook definition of sloth.  Just like commercial weight loss programs, I would frequently just bail when things got too difficult or required what I determined to be an unrealistic amount of effort. And trust me when I say, what constituted an unrealistic amount of effort was a low bar.  It wasn't pretty.  

I've often heard the saying, "Don't quit before the miracle happens".  Depending on my spiritual fitness when hearing that encouraging affirmation, I'd either hope or want to wring their neck.  However, as I slide into 90 days of abstinence 3/23/23, I believe that slogan with every cell of my body.  Because I was absolutely 250% HOPELESS 12/19/22.  I was on the tail end of a relapse that made my world incredibly small and petty.  I was bingeing on an average of $74/day of Taco Bell that I couldn't even get into the car to go pick up.  I had to have it delivered to my home so that I could eat it in my bedroom, in the dark, alone. The breadth of my life could have fit on the head of a pin. 

But by the grace of a Higher Power I occasionally feel like I don't deserve, the moment came when  I was finally ready to concede defeat.  The literal moment I did that, the obsession was lifted from me body and soul.  The neutrality I felt around former binge foods was surreal to say the least.  That experience convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt to dive head first into building a relationship with an entity that I could neither see, nor feel.  Because I was in hell.  The only reason I didn't take my life was because I was a coward.  And that's not attention seeking bravado.  That's the Mike's honest truth.  And in that moment of surrender, I was free.  

And what does a free woman do you might ask.  Well, one of the first things she does is begin to become acutely aware of old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve her. And so I became very aware that I had an overwhelming tendency to not finish the things I started.  It was just another arrow in Guido's quiver that he could use to render me useless with self-loathing.  And the longer I was stuck in the quicksand of relapse, the more useless I became.  Because if you don't value yourself, integrity is an easy thing to sacrifice.  And so I could just hate myself more because I was a quitter.  It just made Guido's access to my heart and soul more immediate.  And he did a lot of damage, let me tell you. 

As I now have my 87th consecutive day of entire abstinence, I am even more amazed at Mike's power than I was on day 5.  I am exceedingly grateful for days that are very emotionally tumultuous but do  not have the added shame of a binge heaped on top of them. Because GURL! Let me tell you I have had some days where I feel like my fair Irish skin is being loofahed by a very angry porcupine.  And I can smile because I realize even that's a Miracle!  Because in order from to feel like I've been exfoliated by a rodent with an anger management issue, I have to NOT be killing myself with food.  Cuz if Guido and his mariachi band of Taco wielding murderers could have their way, I would have been dead long ago.  So feeling physical/emotional/spiritual even feels like an accomplishment.  Because it is.  But let me be clear, it's Mike's accomplishment way more than it is mine.  I can barely keep a houseplant alive, let alone a suffering addict.  I had been playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun for way too long.  As this disease is progressive in nature, always getting worse never better, I knew I was playing on borrowed time.  I'd eventually shoot myself. 

But I was finally able to admit to Mike that w/out Him I am completely, utterly, irrevocably screwed.  And Mike believed me 100% because it was the truth.  And once he saw defeat in my eyes, that was all he needed to sweep in and pick up the heaviest burden I have ever carried in my life.  He makes it look effortless.  And I will do whatever it takes to keep the freedom that Mike so graciously gives me one day at a time.  Part of what I do to stay in the middle of the herd is to do service at the meeting level.  I am a zoom host for a meeting that can be personally challenging to me at times.  And there are times when I'd rather be doing anything other than having to show up and do the service position I had committed to. Yeah, I'm mature like that.  

But I have finally learned my lesson.  I can't think my way into right acting.  And truthfully, no one should believe anything that comes out of my mouth if I am in relapse.  To say that I have minimal to non-existent street credibility is 100% the truth.  My integrity is solely based on my ability to keep a commitment I make to another human being. 

Because the self-talk I employ when I am about to break my word should be registered as a Crime against Humanity by the UNHCR.  It is Guido at his lethal best.  The accuracy with which he succeeds is incredible. If I continue to behave in a way that whittles away at my self respect, Guido and his henchman have already won.  And the only price he claims is the satisfaction of knowing that his intended targets were as likely to cave as to fight.  Those are the odd and they're always in his favor.  

So that's why I am so intent on being a woman who walks her talk.  Because self-respect is Guido's kryptonite.  It's the one thing that lets him know that his presence is no longer welcome and if he could just kindly fuck off that would be lovely.  And because I know the pitiful, incomprehensible demoralization that is Guido's esprit de corps, I will do whatever it takes to shut that chump down.  The down side is that his favorite pastime is ding pushups with brass knuckles in a torrential downpour.  He's honing and crafting his skills so that when I give him that split second moment of dropping my guard, he will be able to capitalize on it. He has an excellent track record. 

But I have the one thing he doesn't, Mike.  Mike loves me, cares about me and for me  He laughs with me and occasionally at me.  He is compassionate, understanding, forgiving and patient.  Hell, he waited 20 years for me to finally give up the fight.  He's the ultimate corner man in this fight for my life.  He's always there to hold up my flagging spirits, to make sure I'm taking care of His precious daughter and showing me that His love is already received.  It's not dependent on any effort on my part.  It is just because I am.  And knowing that there is someone out there who believes in me like that makes anything possible.  for 87 days I have had no sugar, no flour and no delivered food.  A miracle anyway you slice it.  And so to keep this precious gift I will finish every job I start.  From teeth brushing, to promises to friends, to meeting service positions, I will do what I have told others I would do. Quietly.  Humbly.  And with a heart of service.  

Because that's how I can take down Guido.  By finishing what I start. 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Emotional White Water Rafting

 So, you see, there's this boy.  Now before you roll your collective eyes at the computer screen, let me explain to you why that's such a miracle in my life.  I am 48 years old.  And I've never been in love before.   There are a couple of reasons for this.  1) My parents didn't exactly have a "perfect" marriage.  They had a significant amount of conflict during their marriage.  It showed up most frequently in verbal confrontations.  Loud, mean, cruel verbal conflicts.  Unfortunately for my father, when my mom was drinking which was VERY frequently, she would be particularly cruel in her attempts to chop my dad off at the spiritual kneecaps.  She'd go in the direction of his upbringing (not nearly as $ as hers), or his family (imperfect but very genuine). Therefore, to say I had a good model of a positive and uplifting primary romantic relationship would be untrue.  The other reason is that for whatever reason, the simple and most convenient one being my mom projecting her dissatisfaction about her own body image onto an impressionable young girl, I did not believe a boy/man would love me at a higher weight. It was just a gospel truth I held in my brain as a God's honest foundational truth about my life from adolescence until not too long ago.  It was a lot of weight to carry around if I am being completely honest. 

Now as I approached my 40th birthday, I was panicking.  I had not at that point even kissed a boy let alone done other more "physical" things.  And I felt time was running out.  I did not want to qualify for a sequel to the Steve Carrell classic movie, "The 40 Year Old Virgin".  So like any good ego maniac with basement level self-esteem, I decided that I "must" lose my virginity before I turned 40.  In retrospect, feeling so differently about myself today, I'm a bit sad about my insistence to get experience first.  If there are any of my SFHS alumni reading this, my personal choice to have some frosting before the cake, left a lot to desired.  For the very simple reason that I didn't value myself as a precious child of Mike and acted accordingly.  I made what seemed at the time to be an intelligent choice; to get experience with physical intimacy out side of a committed romantic relationship.  Because at the time, it was progress for me to even be entertaining the idea that a man could find me physically/sexually attractive.  That I was willing to be seen sans apparel with lights being on was a huge miracle in and of itself.  I had sort of a defiant "take it or leave it" persona oozing out of my pores that dared a man to speak critically of my body.  Or at least more critically than I talked about my body.  Which was setting a VERY high bar.  

Well that extremely late in life attempt at a "slutty" phase of my life fizzled out and I just got back to the regularly scheduled program of killing myself with food.  And during that time I met a guy.  And he liked my body exactly as it was, and wasn't particularly shy about sharing his opinion with me.  It was disarming.   It was a matter of fact thing about our friendship that he simply didn't question, even if I did.  And he would contact me to check in with me intermittently.  And I found his enthusiasm     l found it almost annoying, more than once.  Because didn't he know he was interrupting my bingeing?  He had the audacity to drive up to my home town from a considerable distance to see me.  When he got here, I hadn't showered in multiple days, my hair was a wreck, and he was interrupting my sleep because of a lengthy binge the night before.  To say I was more unwelcoming that Kevin McCarthy at the Democratic National Convention would not be too dramatic.  We did see each other and he left.  I was secretly horrified he'd seen me at what I now know was my absolute worst.  My ego retaliated by making him responsible for something he clearly was NOT responsible for and told him in no uncertain terms, to kick rocks. Being a gentleman, he respectfully abided by my request. 

And then, a funny thing happened.  I got abstinent.  Like not just "Oh I don't eat 'X'" abstinent.  I'm talking spiritual experience of the lightening bolt variety.  Psychic change, freedom from the obsession type of abstinence.  Recoil as if from a hot flame, there is nothing more important than keeping what Mike has given me, "My abstinence is the #1 thing in my life without exception" sort of abstinence.  And just like that, the huge rucksack of shame and guilt that I had been carrying around about myself was just removed from my shoulders.  Mike said, "that looks a bit heavy Kathy. Can I carry that for you?"  And in a sign of progress, I said, "sure". 

So with about 15 days of this new entire abstinence I was driving out to the airport to pick up my best friend.  I had just hosted my oldest brother and family for lunch and got to meet my adorable 3 month old twin nephews.  I was in an excellent mood when my car phone rang with a number I didn't recognize.  I had blocked the guys number and hadn't give it any thought really so I picked up the number.  It was the guy.  And I had learned about "having contempt prior to investigation " and didn't automatically hang up.  And another magical thing happened.  My eyes were different.  Because where I once saw a guy who was annoying in his harassment of me, I now saw a good friend who'd maintained contact with me over a multi-year period because he cared. I saw a man who'd seen me at my absolute gutter level worst and still contacted me.  I saw a man who was good, smart, funny, caring and kind.  When I expressed my reservations that he might only be attracted to me because of a morbid fetishized attraction to fat women, his response was, "Can't I be attracted to you without objectifying you?"  (I admit there was a antebellum worthy level of swooning that occurred when he said that.  I mean how good is that?).  We started chatting with some regularity.  

I was terrified of sharing this with my sponsor because of the perceived hard and fast rule that most 12 Steppers have, "No dating/sexual relationships w/in the first year of program". And I was worried she was going to take my new toy out of my proverbial toy box and not let me play with it.   Perhaps it was more than a little bit of projection on my part.  Because I had forgotten that Mike had delivered to me that most perfect sponsor that I could possibly ask for.  I don't mean a perfect sponsor, but the right one for me. We had a terribly vulnerable and real meeting where she expressed her concern that many more recovered people have gone out of the rooms based on a romantic relationship.  But that there are also no mistake, just lessons or blessings in the program.  That if I am surrendering my will to HP to the best of my abilities  ODAAT, it was perfect and already ordained.  I exhaled through my tears entirely grateful for the God's with skin Mike had put in my path, yet again. 

The other thing I was supremely grateful for was that I knew, in my gut/core/heart, that I was not willing to give up the abstinence I had for anyone/anything.  And that in and of itself is a precious miracle because I had envied those people who could sit in the meetings and say with a quiet confidence that, "their abstinence is the #1 thing in their life, without exception". And now I was one of those people.  If even talking to this guy was going to risk one millimeter of the precious recovery that I had, I would walk away.  Because Mike has only 3 answers when we want something, "Yes." "No," or "I have something better planned.  Stay patient".  Although I was already 48 years old never having felt feelings for a guy, I'd wait longer if I had to.  

Because the third miracle that was occurring was that I was developing feelings for this guy.  And they weren't the atypical "Ooohhh...He's HOT!" sort of feelings.  They were quiet, and timid and real.  The type of real that sort of makes you feel like your heart is being scrubbed with a surly porcupine.  It felt raw and slightly painful.  I had held centurion guard over my heart for my entire life.  And now, with just 15 days of entire abstinence, my heart was deciding that perhaps Mike was a better judge of what I needed in my life.  Whatever was ahead, I was willing to go along for the ride. 

And I've decided that I am basically on one of those lazy floats down the American River so many got to experience in their youths.  I'm in a rubber raft, with this guy and we're floating down this river.  Mike is our rafting guide.  With much more experience in rafting, he knows how to protect us from the danger zones while also ensuring we have a thrilling trip.  As long as we look to him for guidance this is going to be a worthwhile trip that I will remember.  And it's a trip I've been waiting my whole life to take.  I only get to take it if I stay focused on the next "steps" ahead of me.  The fruits of recovery are only for the diligent and prepared.  They are not, I have learned, something you earn through any virtue or special state.  They are truly available to everyone at any time. The price of a ticket is your control and using food as a crutch.  Being willing to start doing His will, one day at a time also helps. I don't necessarily care where we end up, or how long it takes to get there.  I am just enjoying the ride. It is a ride that I'm showing up for with a flutter in my heart, a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye. 

It is incredibly good to be me. 

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Every Goyim Needs a Mohar

 I am Catholic. Like really Catholic.  We're talking 150% Hotel California, "You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave" Catholic.  It's in my blood.  It's in my cells.  When we had the funeral for my mom, my brother who'd probably last been in that church either when he graduated 8th grade from St. Mel's, or when mom had asked him to go for her, was only sightly jesting that he would be struck by lightening upon crossing the threshold. And my mom would probably watch down from heaven laughing. But she never got to see my brother excitedly tell me about how he'd told his now partner of 10 years that he loved him. My brother learned from my dad, that the larger the gesture, the more appropriately large the scene should be made to acknowledge this act. So my brother found the chicest custom stationary he could, wrote a love note to Tom and had to sent to the travel agent of his upcoming trip to Norway.  So that when Tom was on a cruise going through the fjords of Norway, he would be given a letter from my brother telling him that he was loved in a big and real way.  How could mom even think of not celebrating her son's courage and spirit?  Because she was raised in the pre Vatican Council II Catholic church.  That tells its congregants that while they should love the sinner, they should hate their sins.  And because the person that he was choosing to "sin" with happens to be another man, my brother lived in constant fear of losing the approval and good favor of the most cherished woman he had in his life.  That is just W.R.O.N.G.  Any way you friggin' slice it.  As we walked out of the hospital the night we took her off the ventilator after a valiant 7 1/2 week fight with pneumonia, my brother with profound tears in his eyes, asks my best friend Krista, herself a mom of three boys, if mom's "knew".  That he'd even have to ask that question breaks my heart in a way that I'll never have to worry about.  He had gone through life, on a path of accepting then embracing who he really is as a person, and it was a process so potentially shameful that he couldn't share it with the most important person in his life.  It that's what religion did, he'd have no part of it thank you very much.  I don't blame him. 

I, on the other hand, just sort of drifted away from the Catholic church in a haze of apathy and sloth.  But when I was back in the church where I spent so much of my childhood for the funeral of my best friend's father the memories came flooding back.  It was about the old school mates that also came to show respect for a very honorable, funny and caring man. It was also about being in a sanctuary where I learned, accepted and then eventually turned away from the tenants of organized religion.  As a spiritual but not religious person, that building just held memories.  Though I was paying attention to the Mass of Catholic burial for a man who chose to convert to Catholicism so late in life, I drifted between the psalms and my childhood.  From the Gospel to my Confirmation.  It was a rich trip down memory lane.  

Now Sacramento is a pretty segregated county.  It certainly was in 2000 when I originally went to my first OA meeting.  One of the very largest OA meetings in Sacramento was held Saturday evenings at Temple B'nai Israel down over in the south part of the city.  Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather.  "We have Jewish people here in Sacramento?" I asked in what is now a painfully naive memory.  Sure we do.  We have communities of Jewish congregants who gather to pay to a God that doesn't necessarily worship in the same way as us Catholics, but still inspires devotion and piety equally to any devout Catholic I've ever met.  I'm lucky to be dear friends with a woman named Hope.  Such a GREAT name for someone who represented the fellowship of Overeaters Anonymous AND Judaism for me.  

I will honestly admit that I have always been fascinated by yiddish.  It's a great language.  I think it started back when Mike Myers was doing this Linda Richmond skit on SNL.  He'd dress up as the archetype of every Jewish mom out there, complete with the bouffant hair, press on nails, and hairy upper lip.   He'd famish about an interaction so traumatic he'd get 'schpilkas in his ganeckta gazoink'.  The audience and watchers at home thought it was hysterically funny stuff.  It was a send-up that wasn't mean spirited but lovingly honest. He's said in interviews that it's an impersonation of the women who were friends with his mother-in-law when he'd married his now wife.  That it's based in real-life to any degree shows how brave and loving Mike Myers was.  It also showed a time when SNL was actually funny and not just painfully funny but lame impressions of our 45th President.  But like the two houses of the US Congress working in a bipartisan fashion, I'm afraid those days are long gone.  

So the longer I'm in OA, I become better friends with Hope and she'd always smile and laugh a bit when I'd try to "flex" my yiddish on her.  I was young for being in OA, like 25 when I entered, so that a relatively young kid would know so much about yiddish was surprising to her I think.  It was a source of giggles for us to be sure.  

As I finally got abstinent in OA this December, Hope was still at zoom meetings being her fabulous self.   Like any good born on the East Coast Californian, she knew the good meetings in NYC and Florida to hit to boost her recovery.  I'd told her that I was helping to pull off a surprise for my BFF's mom with tickets for the whole family to go see the Globe Trotters when they came to Sacramento in January.  She said I was a mensch doing a mitzvah. To non-yiddish speakers that means that I was a solid guy doing a good deed for another.  I smiled and agreed.  The surprise didn't go quite as planned, but my part in helping to make it a reality was still a noble effort. 

So Hope texts me the other day saying that she was my honorary mohar (teacher).  And I realized that this Catholic has a lot of mohar's in the 21 years she's been coming into and out of these rooms of recovery.  Some of them were showing me what I wanted to have, for which I was not willing to do the work required to achieve it. Being in the rooms when I returned 20 years later I was touched by the love and genuine happiness I was welcomed back with.  Watching some well intentioned shiksa (white girl) struggle in this fellowship for 20 years must have been painful and difficult to watch. And yet they still loved me.  Still help out their arms for post-meeting hugs.  Still kept coming back.  

Part of being in recovery is realizing that you're always just a putz who needs a mohar to survive.  While it requires a leveling of one's pride to even say those words, the payoff can be life-saving.  Just like the Promises tell us, "We will know a new freedom and a new happiness". And I can say that on day 72nd day of "entire abstinence", that I truly do know a new freedom and happiness.  I spent this evening  laughing until my sides ached and I could barely breathe.  It was because I was living a joyful, honest, authentic life. 

If you are getting to also live such a joyfully crazy life, please be sure to thank you mohars.  They're out there everywhere, finding one shouldn't be difficult.

Thanks for reading. 



Because Game ALWAYS Respects Game

 One of my roommates is a guy named Scott. (Not his real name btw).  He's lived with me for 5+ years and he's absolutely great.  He loves my doggie possibly more than I do and he always helps out with the frequently mundane tasks that women tend to not want to do.  He's a super chill, rent always on time, his only fault is being a LA Dodgers fan, guy.  I like him a lot even if I've not been the best landlord/friend until getting abstinent.  I'm lucky to have him as a friend.  

Scott has a best friend named Wayne.  Wayne and he went to high school in Elk Grove together and have remained friends this whole time.  I've never met Wayne before.  And that's ok.  It's not like Scott's the sort of guy to invite a friend over to see his cool "pad".  That's not Scott's vibe, or Wayne's either probably.  So they spend a fair amount of time playing video games online and being friends.  I like him based on his choice in people already.  

So Wayne has a habit of sending Scott gifts randomly from time to time.  He's done it for years and they're always 100% original and 250% bizarre.  This most current gift is certainly the weirdest.  So Scott comes downstairs wearing a more formal robe than I've seen him in before.  Now if you thought Wayne was the only one with a sense of humor in this friendship think again, because Scott also enjoys taking a leisurely smoke out on the patio wearing a 3/4 length robe that makes him look suspiciously like a flour tortilla.  So he's got a healthy respect for the seemingly absurd as well.  Perhaps a friendship made in heaven? 

So Scott opens up his robe to show me what is possibly the tackiest attempt at a dashiki I've ever had the privilege to gaze at with my own eyes.  We're talking Nigerian Prince, "I swear I can prove to you I am rich if you'll just help me gain access to my account" rich. You get the vibe.  I give a hearty laugh and we go on with our night.  We briefly discussed the idea of attempting to get Wayne back in a good natured grudge match, but nothing was set in motion.  He tried to lure Ellie outside to get cuddles from her while she gave RBF looks to him.  I thought that was it. 

But then, just like all the great sidekicks of super hero origin stories, my best friend Krista enters the scene.  She has had a rather tough life of late.  And to say that she could use a laugh would have been frighteningly accurate.  So I regale her with the tale of Dashiki Scott and she's now laughing so hard she can't breathe and her stomach is cramping.  So, "VICTORY ACHIEVED" was definitely the vibe of the day. She then provided what will hopefully become "Phase 2" of this adventure.  That will be for her to get a fantastic mu mu and get some braids put into her hair.  Then a recording of them both walking around a local Walmart not understanding why they're being stared at will be created.  Once this has been achieved we will gather to give this culturally significant gift to Wayne, who is African American btw, a fact which just makes this story that much more awesome. 

One thing I know for sure.  The amount of fun I've had today is ONLY possible because of my diligence in working the 12 Step program of recovery from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  No way would I be having any of this fun left to my own devices.  

More shall be revealed.  I can't wait. 

Keep coming back.  Thanks, KathyK